Page 63 - 《世界潮商》第46期
P. 63
北京潮商会青年委员会 abroad.
The main aim of the Youth Committee of the Chaoshan Chamber of
北京潮商会青年委员会是北京潮商会的直属机构,为加强北京 Commerce, Beijing, is to promote understanding, cultural exchange and
青年潮商与海内外潮籍青年之间的联系而成立。 co-operation between young Teochew businessmen (and women)
based in the capital. It aims in particular to promote positive interaction
北京潮商会青年委员会的宗旨是致力于在京青年潮商之间的交 between young Teochew businessmen in Beijing and Teochew
流与协作,致力于在京青年潮商与潮汕本土青年潮商之间的良 businessmen in their home province, as well as encouraging business
性互动,致力于在京青年潮商与海内外青年潮商的经贸往来, interaction between the former and other young Teochew businessmen
从而为海内外青年潮商提供一个交流、沟通、合作的平台。 at home and abroad. Through this, it hopes to provide a global platform
for Teochew youths involved in the commercial sector, for the sake of
北京潮商会青年委员会的主席由北京潮商会执行会长陈才雄兼 cultural exchange, communication and further co-operation.
任。领导班子成员从北京潮商会优秀青年会员中遴选,并吸纳 Currently Acting Head of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, Beijing,
部分在京潮籍精英。 ChenCai-Xiong also acts as the Chairman for the Youth Committee
of the Chamber. The leaders of the youth committee have all been
carefully selected from the crème de la crème of the Chamber, with the
潮商,促进潮籍青年之间的交流与合作,推动在京青年潮商联 aim of embracing some of the top talent from the capital.
合发展 ;同时北京潮商会青年委员会作为国际潮青联合会的一 The establishment of the Youth Committee is beneficial towards
员,也将致力于加强北京青年潮商与国际潮青之间的沟通与协 promoting ancestral pride, uniting young Teochew businessmen based
in the capital, encouraging interaction and co-operation between
Teochew youths all over the country, as well as fostering the collective
北京潮商会青年委员会于 2014 年筹备成立,2015 年 12 月举行 spirit of young Teochew businessmen in Beijing. At the same time,
启动仪式并承办国际潮籍博士联合会第三届博士论坛。 the Youth Committee, as a member of the International Teochew
Youth Federation, is dedicated towards amplifying ties between young
The Youth Committee of the Chaoshan Chamber of Teochew businessmen based in Beijing and youths of Teochew
Commerce ancestry scattered across the globe, for the sake of nuturing further co-
operation between the two.
The Youth Committee of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce is a The Youth Committee of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, Beijing
direct subsidiary of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, Beijing. It was set up in 2014, officially activiated in December, 2015 and was a key
was set up for the sake of strengthening ties between young Teochew participant behind the Third Doctors Forum hosted by the International
businessmen in Beijing and youths of Teochew ancestry at home and Teochew Doctors Association.